Healing Pathways Ministry
The heart-centred community of Winfield United offers healing energy sessions by appointment. Our team of practitioners are trained in the Healing Pathway Program. www.healingpathway.ca
What is Healing Pathways?
Healing Pathways follows the long tradition of hands-on healing portrayed in the Christian scriptures and the example of Jesus and his disciples. Practitioners are trained to be a heart-centred, loving presence, open to being a conduit or instrument of God’s healing love for another. Energy sessions support the healing process along with traditional medical treatments.
Energy Sessions
The human body is a complete energy system. The body thrives when energy flows freely in our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy fields. Imbalances or blocks may arise affecting the flow of energy. During healing sessions gentle techniques are offered in an intentional manner to facilitate and support the alignment, balance, and flow of energy within the body and the layers of the personal energy field, supporting the body’s innate ability to heal.
Booking an Energy Session
Whenever we pray for someone, we facilitate healing – even at a distance.
There are two ways to access an energy session. You can come to Winfield United Church to have an In-Person session with our practitioners or we can provide our services remotely. All sessions require an appointment.
In-Person or Distance Healing Pathway Sessions can be booked by contacting Sharon Hartwick 250-548-0074 or leaving a message at the church office 250-766-4458.
What is an Energy Session like?
Phase 1 Workshop
Trinity United Church, Vernon
October 4,5,& 6
Friday evening, all day Saturday, Sunday afternoon
Led by Betty Chenoweth
More info and registration link to come shortly ...
Practice Group
Practitioners meet on alternate Tuesday afternoons at Winfield United Church (Matthews Room) to hone their skills and build community. Time: 2-4 p.m.
First sessions after the summer break = Tuesday, Sept 10 & 24
In-Person sessions:
Receivers are fully clothed and may be lying on a padded massage table or sitting on a chair. The practitioners will move their hands in gentle motions around your body. Touch is usual but not necessarily required if you are uncomfortable with it.
During the session you may simply close your eyes & relax, or you may want to ask questions or share any feelings you are experiencing. You are “in charge” of the session. If at any time you feel uncomfortable you may ask the session to be stopped.
An in-person session usually lasts 30 to 40 minutes.
Practitioners are guided by a code of ethics & confidentiality.
​Receivers often experience a sense of:
• Relaxation, peace, and well-being;
• Feeling ‘held’ by Divine love and light during & after the session;
• Reduced pain and better management of stress;
• Strengthening the immune system and speeding the healing of bone and tissue.
Distance Sessions:
At an agreed upon time, the practitioner offers an energy session while the receiver relaxes in a quiet comfortable place in their home, opening themselves with the intention of receiving the Divine healing love and light.
The distance sessions are usually 20-30 minutes.
Healing Circle:
Another option is that practitioners or a circle of caring people may send prayers and loving energy at various times, creating a reservoir of love and light in the receiver’s energy field, available to help whenever it is needed.

Healing Pathways Practitioners
Healing Pathway www.healingpathway.ca is a ministry that offers transformational opportunities within a heart-centered, inclusive community. The training promotes self-care and assists in restoring wholeness, balance, and harmony at all levels of being – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually through grounding techniques, meditation, and a series of healing sequences. Healing is experienced individually and for receivers when an intention is set, and there is a connection to the Divine. The foundation of the program lies in the tradition of healing within the Christian faith but is open to people of all faiths and spiritual paths.
For more information about training and joining the Healing Team at Winfield United
please contact Sharon Hartwick or Sandy Bogardis.
Phase 1 and 2 Healing Pathway workshops are offered at various times and locations through the year.
All are welcome.